This tasty high meat Chicken recipe is a great source of freshly prepared, natural protein for energy, growth and repair.
Made with 6 superfoods to support everyday health & vitality.
Natural ingredients with no dairy, grain, soya or artificial colours or flavours. This superfoods grain free dog food is nutritionally balanced and bowl-lickingly tasty. Perfect for puppies with sensitive tums, it’s easily digestible, hypoallergenic and made with freshly prepared ingredients.
Everything your puppy needs for a happy and healthy life. No nasties, no surprises. Just natural goodness for all.
This superfoods grain free dog food is hypoallergenic and specially balanced for puppies with sensitive tums, containing no grain, soya, dairy, egg, beef, or pork* and also has smaller kibbles, perfectly sized for smaller mouths!
Our recipe includes freshly prepared meat ingredients as a great source of natural protein for energy, growth & repair and meat ingredients come #1 in our recipe.
We've added a delicious homemade chicken gravy to both the inside & outside of our kibble to make our recipe even tastier!
Additional benefits from ingredients such as beet pulp & chicory to help promote a healthy digestive system, seaweed to support oral hygiene & provide a natural source of vitamins, minerals & trace elements and omega 6 & 3 oils to support a healthy immune system and maintain your dog’s glossy coat.
From the UK's first carbon negative pet food company.
*Recipe without grain but is processed on a line that handles grain
35% Chicken (Including, 26% Dried Chicken*, 5% Chicken Fat, min 4% Freshly Prepared Chicken)
Sweet Potato (26%)
Beans (8%)
Linseed (4%)
Beet Pulp (4%)
Salmon Oil (2%)
Superfood Botanical Blend: Rosemary, Spinach, Pomegranate & Blueberries (1500mg/kg)
FOS (1000mg/kg)
Yeasts (1000mg/kg)
Seaweed (1000mg/kg)
*26% Dried Chicken, Equivalent to 58g in 100g of kibble
Additives (Per Kg)
Vitamin A 16,000 iu
Vitamin D3 1600 iu
Vitamin E 150mg
Taurine 1000mg
Trace Elements: Zinc (Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate) 75mg
Iron (Iron Sulphate Monohydrate) 50mg
Manganese (Manganous (II) Oxide) 50mg
Copper (Copper (II) Sulphate Pentahydrate) 5mg
Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) 1mg
Selenium (Organic 3b810) 0.2mg
Antioxidants (tocopherol rich extracts - natural antioxidant)
Analytical Constituents
Protein 30%
Fat Content 14%
Crude Fibre 3.5%
Crude Ash 6%
Omega 6 2.0%
Omega 3 1.5%
Calories per 100g = 380Kcals