Jap millet, rapeseed, whole linseed, hempseed, mawseed, niger seed, perillaseed, sesame seed, aniseed oil.
A blend of many highly nutritious and easily digestible seeds to provide a high protein and oil content mixture for use as a high energy seed supplement. When fed as a part of the complete diet, the variety of seeds used in this mix will enhance the uptake of Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, omega 3, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Sesame seed helps the blood system and mawseed the digestive tracts. Perilla is a herb rich in vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acid.
Feeding this blend will help bring birds into breeding condition and will help them through the moult. Use should be decreased at times of rest or maintenance.
If fed to pet birds, feed separately every other day.
Please note that germinated seeds are of great benefit to canaries and we have a special blend (JJSOAK)
Please note all of our blends for Canaries can be fed ad lib - feed as required if you like - unless stated otherwise.