K9 Chew Co. Treat Feast Box - 20 piece x 1Code: K9TFBSupplier Code: TREATFEASTBarcode: 5035305712742RRP: £19.99Loading...
Bulls Pinkles 1kg PolybagCode: BULLSSupplier Code: .Barcode: 5033088005299Loading...
Hollings Cow Ears 3pk x 7Code: COWESupplier Code: DBCOWE3Barcode: 5018253110815RRP: £3.01Loading...
Hollings Cow Ears x 50Code: COWE50Supplier Code: COWEBarcode: 5018253110655RRP: £0.74Loading...
Hollings Cows Hooves - Plain Empty x 25Code: COWHSupplier Code: HOOFPBarcode: 5018253110334RRP: £0.77Loading...
Hollings Cows Hooves - Meat Filled (Unwrapped) x 25Code: COWHFSupplier Code: HOOFFBarcode: 05018253110440RRP: £0.96Loading...
Hollings Pure Ham Bones - Large 8" x 10Code: HAMBSupplier Code: DBBONEPHBarcode: 5018253111713RRP: £2.29Loading...
Hollings Beef Curls 100g x 8Code: HOLBCURLSupplier Code: DBCURLSBarcode: 5018253112017RRP: £2.47Loading...
Hollings Chicken Feet 2kgCode: HOLFEETSupplier Code: CHICKFEETBarcode: 5018253111034RRP: £29.33Loading...
Hollings Filled Bones - Beef (Wrapped) x 20Code: HOLFILBBSupplier Code: DBBONEFMBarcode: 5018253110754RRP: £1.90Loading...
Hollings Filled Bones - Lamb & Rice (Wrapped) x 20Code: HOLFILBLSupplier Code: DBBONEFLRBarcode: 5018253111522RRP: £1.90Loading...
Hollings Filled Bones - Smoked (Wrapped) x 20Code: HOLFILBSSupplier Code: DBBONEFSBarcode: 5018253110761RRP: £1.90Loading...
Hollings Filled Bones - Tripe (Wrapped) x 20Code: HOLFILBTSupplier Code: DBBONEFTRBarcode: 5018253111546RRP: £1.90Loading...
Hollings Filled Bones - Venison (Wrapped) x 20Code: HOLFILBVSupplier Code: DBBONEFVBarcode: 5018253111560RRP: £1.90Loading...
Hollings Dried Liver Pieces 100g x 20Code: HOLLIVERSupplier Code: LIVER20Barcode: 5018253110976RRP: £2.64Loading...
Hollings Chicken Necks 2kgCode: HOLNECKSupplier Code: CHICKNECKBarcode: 5018253111041RRP: £33.88Loading...
Mediteranean Natural Serrano Ham Bone x 18Code: MEDHBSupplier Code: 68064-1Barcode: 28430235680641RRP: £2.49Loading...
Mediteranean Natural Mega Meaty Serrano Ham Bone x 14Code: MEGAHBSupplier Code: 68066-1Barcode: 28430235680665RRP: £4.48Loading...
Hollings Paddywack - Golden Dry 5kgCode: PADDYSupplier Code: PADDY5Barcode: 5018253111010RRP: £108.90Loading...
Hollings Paddywack 200g x 10Code: PADDY200Supplier Code: DBPADDY10Barcode: 5018253110143RRP: £4.60Loading...
Hollings Pigs Ears 10pk x 5Code: PIGE10Supplier Code: PIGE10Barcode: 5018253110235RRP: £20.54Loading...
Hollings Pigs Ears in Boxes x 20Code: PIGSBSupplier Code: PIGE20Barcode: 5018253110266RRP: £36.12Loading...
Hollings Pigs Ear Strips 150g x 8Code: PIGSSSupplier Code: DBPIGES8Barcode: 5018253112215RRP: £3.15Loading...
Hollings Pigs Ear Strips 500g x 6Code: PIGSS500Supplier Code: PIGESBarcode: 5018253110846RRP: £8.36Loading...
Hollings Pork Rolls 8" x 30Code: RIND8Supplier Code: PORKRBarcode: 5018253110518RRP: £1.41Loading...
Hollings Pigs Snout 2kgCode: SNOUT2Supplier Code: PIGSNBarcode: 5018253110686RRP: £38.98Loading...
Hollings Tripe Sticks 500g x 5Code: TS500Supplier Code: TRIPE500Barcode: 5018253111287RRP: £12.02Loading...
Hollings Tripe Sticks 2.5kgCode: TSHSupplier Code: TRIPE25Barcode: 5018253110648RRP: £46.82Loading...
Hollings 100% Natural Chicken Hearts 60g x 12Code: HOLCHSupplier Code: NCHEARTBarcode: 5018253114820RRP: £2.19Loading...
Hollings 100% Natural Venison Strips 5pk x 12Code: HOLVSSupplier Code: STRIPVENBarcode: 5018253114783RRP: £4.13Loading...
Pigs Ears in Box x 50Code: PIGSWBSupplier Code: .Barcode: No BarcodeRRP: £1.32Loading...
Hollings 100% Natural Chicken Feet 100g x 8Code: HOLCFEETSupplier Code: 100CFEETBarcode: 5018253114271RRP: £2.48Loading...
Hollings 100% Natural Chicken Necks 120g x 8Code: HOLCNSupplier Code: 100CNECKBarcode: 5018253114295RRP: £2.48Loading...
Hollings Jerky 100g x 8Code: HOLJERKYSupplier Code: DBJERKYBarcode: 5018253111737RRP: £2.60Loading...
Hollings Maxi Roast Bones x 10Code: HOLMRBSupplier Code: DBBONEMAX10Barcode: 5018253111751RRP: £2.55Loading...
Hollings Cows Hooves - Meat Filled (Wrapped) x 20Code: COWHFDBSupplier Code: DBHOOFBarcode: 5018253112192RRP: £1.09Loading...
Hollings Tripe Sticks 100g pkets x 10Code: TRIPE10Supplier Code: DBTRIPE10Barcode: 5018253110594RRP: £2.82Loading...
Hollings Pigs Ears 2pk x 10Code: PIGE2Supplier Code: DBPIGE10Barcode: 5018253110600RRP: £3.39Loading...
Hollings 100% Natural Pigs Snout 120g x 8Code: HOLPSNOUTSupplier Code: 100PIGSNBarcode: 5018253114318RRP: £2.20Loading...
Hollings Training Treats Chicken 75g x 10Code: HOLTTCSupplier Code: DBTTCHBarcode: 5018253115124RRP: £3.40Loading...
Hollings Training Treats Duck 75g x 10Code: HOLTTDSupplier Code: DBTTDUCBarcode: 5018253115131RRP: £3.40Loading...
Hollings Training Treats Venison 75g x 10Code: HOLTTVSupplier Code: DBTTVENBarcode: 5018253115148RRP: £3.40Loading...
T Forrest Roasted Knuckle Bones - Box of 20Code: FORRBSupplier Code: TFDT110Barcode: No BarcodeRRP: £2.14Loading...
T Forrest Roast Jurassic Whole Bones x 10Code: HOLJBSupplier Code: TFDT114Barcode: No BarcodeRRP: £4.71Loading...
NAW Buffalo Ears Large with Meat x 50Code: BFO101Supplier Code: NAW-BUFEAR-50LG-BAG-UKBarcode: 5060548430009RRP: £1.49Loading...
NAW Buffalo Large Tails 3pk x 1Code: BFO148Supplier Code: BFO148Barcode: 5060548430511RRP: £8.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Ears Small with Meat x 60Code: BFO105Supplier Code: NAW-BUFEAR-60SM-BAG-UKBarcode: 5060548430047RRP: £0.95Loading...
NAW Buffalo Ears 4pk x 1Code: BFO135Supplier Code: NAW-BUFEAR-004P-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430320RRP: £5.49Loading...
NAW Buffalo Gullet 100g x 1Code: BFO144Supplier Code: NAW-BUFGUL-0100-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430450RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Jerky 100g x 1Code: BFO141Supplier Code: NAW-BUFJKY-0100-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430436RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Lung 100g x 1Code: BFO123Supplier Code: NAW-BUFLNG-0130-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430221RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Steak 200g x 1Code: BFO147Supplier Code: NAW-BUFSTE-0200-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430504RRP: £5.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Tails 200g x 1Code: BFO142Supplier Code: NAW-BUFTAI-0200-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430443RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Tripe 250g x 1Code: BFO128Supplier Code: NAW-BUFTRI-0250-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430269RRP: £5.19Loading...
NAW! Buffalo Tripe Sticks 500g Bag x 1Code: BFO112Supplier Code: NAW-BUFTRI-0500-BLK-UKBarcode: 5060548430115RRP: £7.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Wrapped Trachea 1kg x 1Code: BFO124Supplier Code: NAW-BUFWRP-1000-BLK-UKBarcode: 5060548430238RRP: £1.39Loading...
NAW Buffalo Wraps 3pk x 1Code: BFO127Supplier Code: NAW-BUFWRP-003P-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430252RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Braided Pizzle 6" x 25 (1kg)Code: BFO106Supplier Code: NAW-BUFPIB-1000-BLK-UKBarcode:RRP: £3.39Loading...
NAW Buffalo Large Tails 2kg x 1Code: BFO143Supplier Code: NAW-BUFTAI-2KLG-BAG-UKBarcode: 5060548430474RRP: £3.09Loading...
NAW Beef Head Skin 250g x 1Code: WS101Supplier Code: WS101Barcode: 5060548430764RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Hairy Beef Ears 6pk x 1Code: WS102Supplier Code: WS102Barcode: 5060548430771RRP: £9.99Loading...
NAW Hairy Beef Head Skin 250g x 1Code: WS103Supplier Code: WS103Barcode: 5060548430788RRP: £5.99Loading...
NAW Lamb Feet 3pk x 1Code: WS104Supplier Code: WS104Barcode: 5060548430795RRP: £5.99Loading...
NAW Hairy Lamb Ears 100g x 1Code: WS105Supplier Code: WS105Barcode: 5060548430801RRP: £5.49Loading...
NAW Lamb Ears 100g x 1Code: WS106Supplier Code: WS106Barcode: 5060548430818RRP: £5.49Loading...
NAW Lamb Tails 150g x 1Code: WS107Supplier Code: WS107Barcode: 5060548430825RRP: £6.29Loading...
NAW Lamb Trachea 200g x 1Code: WS108Supplier Code: WS108Barcode: 5060548430832RRP: £6.49Loading...
NAW Chicken Feet 250g x 1Code: WS109Supplier Code: WS109Barcode: 5060548430849RRP: £5.19Loading...
NAW Beef Tails 250g x 1Code: WS110Supplier Code: WS110Barcode: 5060548431211RRP: £9.99Loading...
NAW Beef Trachea 200g x 1Code: WS111Supplier Code: WS111Barcode: 5060548431228RRP: £5.19Loading...
NAW Lamb Braid 100g x 1Code: WS113Supplier Code: WS113Barcode: 5060548431235RRP: £5.99Loading...
Hollings Trachea Large x 10Code: HOLTRACLSupplier Code: DBTRACHEABarcode: 5018253113014RRP: £1.81Loading...
Mediteranean Natural Serrano Half Ham Bone Twin Pack x 18Code: MEDHBHSupplier Code: 68052-1Barcode: 28430235680528RRP: £2.99Loading...
Mediteranean Natural Serrano Ham Bone Salt Free x 18Code: MEDHBSFSupplier Code: 68058-1Barcode: 08430235680586RRP: £2.99Loading...
NAW! Puffed Chicken Feet 1kg bag x 1Code: WS115Supplier Code: WS115Barcode: 5060548430139RRP: £18.99Loading...
K9 Chew Co. Hairy Rabbit Ears 1kg x 1Code: K9HRESupplier Code: REH1Barcode: 5035305712704RRP: £0.45Loading...
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