Monster Chocs - Fish & Chips White 1kgCode: VITTMFCSupplier Code: MON-FSHCHC-1000-TUB-UKBarcode: 5060026591345RRP: £17.14Loading...
NAW Buffalo Horns 3pk x 1Code: BFO146Supplier Code: NAW-BUFHRN-003P-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430498RRP: £9.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Ears Small with Meat x 60Code: BFO105Supplier Code: NAW-BUFEAR-60SM-BAG-UKBarcode: 5060548430047RRP: £0.95Loading...
NAW Buffalo Ears 4pk x 1Code: BFO135Supplier Code: NAW-BUFEAR-004P-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430320RRP: £5.49Loading...
NAW Buffalo Gullet 100g x 1Code: BFO144Supplier Code: NAW-BUFGUL-0100-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430450RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Jerky 100g x 1Code: BFO141Supplier Code: NAW-BUFJKY-0100-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430436RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Lung 100g x 1Code: BFO123Supplier Code: NAW-BUFLNG-0130-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430221RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Steak 200g x 1Code: BFO147Supplier Code: NAW-BUFSTE-0200-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430504RRP: £5.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Tails 200g x 1Code: BFO142Supplier Code: NAW-BUFTAI-0200-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430443RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Tripe 250g x 1Code: BFO128Supplier Code: NAW-BUFTRI-0250-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430269RRP: £5.19Loading...
NAW! Buffalo Tripe Sticks 500g Bag x 1Code: BFO112Supplier Code: NAW-BUFTRI-0500-BLK-UKBarcode: 5060548430115RRP: £7.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Wrapped Trachea 1kg x 1Code: BFO124Supplier Code: NAW-BUFWRP-1000-BLK-UKBarcode: 5060548430238RRP: £1.39Loading...
NAW Buffalo Wraps 3pk x 1Code: BFO127Supplier Code: NAW-BUFWRP-003P-PCH-UKBarcode: 5060548430252RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Buffalo Braided Pizzle 6" x 25 (1kg)Code: BFO106Supplier Code: NAW-BUFPIB-1000-BLK-UKBarcode:RRP: £3.39Loading...
NAW Buffalo Large Tails 2kg x 1Code: BFO143Supplier Code: NAW-BUFTAI-2KLG-BAG-UKBarcode: 5060548430474RRP: £3.09Loading...
Monster Chocs - Pink Chocolate 1kgCode: VITTMCPINKSupplier Code: MON-SBYCHC-1000-TUB-UKBarcode: 5060026591307RRP: £17.14Loading...
NAW Buffalo Large Tails 3pk x 1Code: BFO148Supplier Code: BFO148Barcode: 5060548430511RRP: £8.99Loading...
NAW Beef Head Skin 250g x 1Code: WS101Supplier Code: WS101Barcode: 5060548430764RRP: £4.99Loading...
NAW Hairy Beef Ears 6pk x 1Code: WS102Supplier Code: WS102Barcode: 5060548430771RRP: £9.99Loading...
NAW Hairy Beef Head Skin 250g x 1Code: WS103Supplier Code: WS103Barcode: 5060548430788RRP: £5.99Loading...
NAW Lamb Feet 3pk x 1Code: WS104Supplier Code: WS104Barcode: 5060548430795RRP: £5.99Loading...
NAW Hairy Lamb Ears 100g x 1Code: WS105Supplier Code: WS105Barcode: 5060548430801RRP: £5.49Loading...
NAW Lamb Ears 100g x 1Code: WS106Supplier Code: WS106Barcode: 5060548430818RRP: £5.49Loading...
NAW Lamb Tails 150g x 1Code: WS107Supplier Code: WS107Barcode: 5060548430825RRP: £6.29Loading...
NAW Lamb Trachea 200g x 1Code: WS108Supplier Code: WS108Barcode: 5060548430832RRP: £6.49Loading...
NAW Chicken Feet 250g x 1Code: WS109Supplier Code: WS109Barcode: 5060548430849RRP: £5.19Loading...
NAW Beef Tails 250g x 1Code: WS110Supplier Code: WS110Barcode: 5060548431211RRP: £9.99Loading...
NAW Beef Trachea 200g x 1Code: WS111Supplier Code: WS111Barcode: 5060548431228RRP: £5.19Loading...
NAW Lamb Braid 100g x 1Code: WS113Supplier Code: WS113Barcode: 5060548431235RRP: £5.99Loading...
NAW! Puffed Chicken Feet 1kg bag x 1Code: WS115Supplier Code: WS115Barcode: 5060548430139RRP: £18.99Loading...
NAW! Buffalo Peanut Butter Rolls 8" x 10Code: BFO118Supplier Code: BUF-BUFRPB-010P-BAG-UKBarcode: 5060548430177RRP: £2.39Loading...
Bow Wow Yum Yums Chicken Liver 40g x 35Code: YUMCHICKLSupplier Code: BOW-LIVYUM-035P-TUB-UKBarcode: 8595042601318RRP: £0.85Loading...
Bow Wow Monster Crunch 200g x 24Code: BOWMCSupplier Code: BOW-MONCRU-24LG-SRP-UKBarcode: 8595042652352RRP: £3.49Loading...
Bow Wow Monster Munch 200g x 24Code: BOWMMSupplier Code: BOW-MONMUN-24LG-SRP-UKBarcode: 8595042682427RRP: £3.49Loading...
Bow Wow Natural Sticks - Poultry x 50Code: BOWNSCSupplier Code: BW310Barcode: 8595042660357RRP: £1.29Loading...
Bow Wow Natural Sticks - Tripe x 50Code: BOWNSTSupplier Code: BOW-TRISTK-050P-SRP-UKBarcode: 8595042660340RRP: £1.29Loading...
Bow Wow Pudding Sticks - Beef & Collagen x 6 (Red)Code: BOWPSBSupplier Code: BOW-BEEPUD-006P-PCH-UKBarcode: 8595042610673RRP: £13.14Loading...
Bow Wow Pudding Sticks - Bacon - Insect & Collagen x 6Code: BOWPSBACSupplier Code: BOW-BCNPUD-006P-PCH-UKBarcode: 8595042609035RRP: £13.14Loading...
Bow Wow Pudding Sticks - Chicken & Collagen x 6Code: BOWPSCSupplier Code: BOW-CHIPUD-006P-PCH-UKBarcode: 8595042609059RRP: £13.14Loading...
Bow Wow Pudding Sticks Tripe & Collagen - Caramel x 6Code: BOWPSCLSupplier Code: BOW-CMLPUD-006P-PCH-UKBarcode: 8595042654363RRP: £13.14Loading...
Bow Wow Salamis Beef 20g x 60Code: BOWSALBSupplier Code: BW465Barcode: 8595042602465RRP: £0.89Loading...
Bow Wow Super Sausage 200g x 24Code: BOWSSSupplier Code: BOW-SUPSAU-24LG-SRP-UKBarcode: 8595042668353RRP: £3.49Loading...
Monster Chocs - White Chocolate 1kgCode: VITTMCMSupplier Code: MON-MLKCHC-1000-TUB-UKBarcode: 5060026514245RRP: £17.14Loading...
Monster Chocs - Plain Chocolate 1kgCode: VITTMCPSupplier Code: MON-PLNCHC-1000-TUB-UKBarcode: 5060026591321RRP: £17.14Loading...
Monster Chocs - Chocolate Mice for Dogs 1kgCode: VITTMICESupplier Code: MON-MCECHC-1000-TUB-UKBarcode: 5060026591314RRP: £17.14Loading...
Bow Wow Yum Yums Chicken 40g x 35Code: YUMCHICKSupplier Code: BOW-CHIYUM-035P-TUB-UKBarcode: 8595042694161RRP: £0.85Loading...
Bow Wow Goose Liver Sausage 19" x 12Code: BOWGLSSupplier Code: F555BBarcode: 8595042601879RRP: £1.99Loading...
Bow Wow Yum Yums Smoked Meat 40g x 35Code: YUMMEATSupplier Code: BOW-MIXYUM-035P-TUB-UKBarcode: 8595042693164RRP: £0.85Loading...
Bow Wow Yum Yums Fresh Breath Mint 40g x 35Code: YUMMINTSupplier Code: BOW-MNTYUM-035P-TUB-UKBarcode: 8595042695151RRP: £0.89Loading...
Vitapol Small Animal Smacker Single Stick - Fruit x 12Code: VITPSASFSupplier Code: VIT-FRUSTK-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479131303RRP: £1.39Loading...
Vitapol Small Animal Smacker Single Stick - Vegetable x 12Code: VITPSASVSupplier Code: VIT-VEGSTK-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479131310RRP: £1.39Loading...
Vitapol Small Animal Smacker Single Stick - Apple x 12Code: VITPSASASupplier Code: VIT-APPSTK-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479131334RRP: £1.39Loading...
Vitapol Small Animal Smacker Single Stick - Popcorn x 12Code: VITPSASHSupplier Code: VIT-POPSTK-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479131327RRP: £1.39Loading...
Vitapol Budgie Smacker Stick - Strawberry x 12Code: VITPBSSSupplier Code: VIT-SBYBUD-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479132324RRP: £1.39Loading...
Vitapol Budgie Smacker Stick - Honey x 12Code: VITPBSHSupplier Code: VIT-HONBUD-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479132317RRP: £1.39Loading...
Vitapol Cockatiel Smacker Stick - Fruit x 12Code: VITPCSFSupplier Code: VIT-FRUCTL-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479132331RRP: £1.39Loading...
Vitapol Cockatiel Smacker Stick - Nut x 12Code: VITPCSNSupplier Code: VIT-NUTCTL-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479132348RRP: £1.39Loading...
Monster MINI Chocs - Plain Chocolate 1kgCode: VITTMMCPSupplier Code: MON-PLNMNI-1000-TUB-UKBarcode: 5060026591390RRP: £17.14Loading...
Monster MINI Chocs - White Chocolate 1kgCode: VITTMMCMSupplier Code: MON-MLKMNI-1000-TUB-UKBarcode: 5060026591383RRP: £17.14Loading...
Vitapol Budgie Smacker Single Stick - Fruit x 12Code: VITPBSFSupplier Code: VIT-FRUBUD-012P-SRP-UKBarcode: 5904479032300RRP: £1.39Loading...
NAW Buffalo Ears Large with Meat x 50Code: BFO101Supplier Code: NAW-BUFEAR-50LG-BAG-UKBarcode: 5060548430009RRP: £1.49Loading...
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